30-day Personal Branding Challenge 🏴


Personal Brand MBA 🏴

Learning how to monetize your personal brand and launch 6-figure info-products online and on-demand.

30-Day Personal Branding Challenge

I’m feeling a bit generous today! 🏴

If you miss this opportunity, I honestly don’t know when it’s going to be live again.

The “30-Day Personal Branding Challenge” is back with a twist!

These 30 days will teach you so much more about yourself than a lifetime of procrastination.

Here's what you'll get:

  • Making 30 videos (1 per day) on LinkedIn, TikTok & Instagram
  • Crafting copy/script that goes with the video
  • Following a calendar plan
  • Creating call to actions
  • Starting conversations in the DMs

I (Amine Hammou) will be your personal branding coach and we will meet once a week for 4 weeks with fast feedback loops when needed over text or email.

The Goal

The goal of this challenge is to help you create an evergreen organic content that works as a lead magnet for your core offer.

Guarantees (Promises)

I will NOT guarantee you closing clients but I tested this challenge with 1 client so far and he was able to close 2 clients for a 6-month engagement of $4,000 per month by making 6 videos in 2 weeks.

What I can guarantee besides all the stuff above is to:

  • Learn my method/approach in writing (scripts)
  • Develop and sharpen your personal branding skills (on and off camera)
  • Get better at communicating and articulating your value
  • Develop a topic of expertise
  • Attract the right people (if you talk about the right thing)

The money conversation

I was debating whether I should charge for this or make it completely free.

And I decided to charge for it not necessarily to make money but to hold you accountable for making the videos every single day.

It will be priced at $200 and I’m only going to take 5 people on this journey.

P.S. There will be no money-back guarantees.

What you’ll need for this to work is a:

  • Phone
  • Core offer
  • Calendly (calendar)
  • Minimum audience (between 500 - 1000) on your social platform of choice
  • Clearly defined target audience that the videos will speak to

If you have those in place,
It will take you approximately 2h per day to do this challenge:

  • 30 - 15 min to write the script
  • 60 - 30 min to record the video
  • 30 - 15 min to edit the video

Who is this challenge NOT for?

  • Highly sensitive people
  • People who want to figure out everything on their own and take 10x the time and effort to get there
  • People who are looking for a magic pill that solves all their problems and make them money overnight
  • Business owners who aren’t making their business & personal brand a priority

If you’re none of the above, this challenge is for you.

How to apply?

Reply to this email with “personal branding challenge”

Or simply book a discovery call from the link below:


For the skeptical ones

If you think that I’ll be upselling you a high ticket offer in the DMs, Asking you to give me your credit card number, or anything of that sort. Rest assured, none of that is true.

The only reason why we need to have a conversation first is for you to know whether:

  • I pass the vibe check or not
  • We share the same values
  • The timing / timezone works best for you

And for me to know:

  • If this challenge is a good fit for you
  • If I can help you achieve your goals and not waste your time

That’s it! If you still have more questions, shoot them my way.

Please keep in mind that I am at max capacity and I can only take 5 people on this challenge for now.

P.S. I already give you the roadmap but most of you won’t execute on it, and that’s the main reason why you should consider this. To get outside of your head and actually take action.

Thanks for reading!

If you enjoyed and got value from this email,

Share what you learned with a friend, it costs nothing to do.

Let's together, fit every misfit and build a world, where every voice is heard.

Amine Hammou

Need a personal brand strategy?

☎️ Book a 60min call with me

🏴 World-Class Branding Strategies for Executive Leaders | Personal Branding Coach | Thought Leadership Ghostwriter → Biography

Let's do more together:

Not all heroes wear capes, some wear glasses.
But the
conductor wears both.

~ See you in traffic ~

Personal Brand MBA 🏴

Learning how to monetize your personal brand and launch 6-figure info-products online and on-demand.